About us

Five years ago, on a warm October afternoon in New Delhi, our paths crossed after swiping right on a dating app! We were both in law school (different ones) at the time with no idea of how wild our journey together was about to get. We love talking stories about life experiences, but in an attempt to keep it short, here is some information about us:

Vaibhavi (V)

Growing up in forest and coastal areas, V was always passionate about working towards creating a more sustainable world. After completing law school (and meeting Sam!) she received a scholarship and moved to Hawai'i to get her Master's in Environmental Management at the University of Hawai'i. She then worked in different conservation-related jobs in Honolulu, absorbing knowledge from Hawaiian culture to cherish and respect the land we live on -  our kuleana. In late 2022, she received funding for a PhD program at the University of Tasmania and is currently working towards examining governance solutions to plastic pollution in Antarctica! She loves being in Tassie and cannot wait to see where life will take her and Sam next! :)

Samraansh (Sam)

Being more of a city boy, Samraansh grew up in different countries worldwide. He worked in banking before pursuing a law degree in India. In his last year of law school, he met V and found his professional calling! He worked at the Center for Environmental Law - World Wildlife Fund (WWF) until receiving a scholarship to pursue a Master's in Environmental Law from the University of Hawai'i (this was the only way he could be with V!). After crossing several dramatic hurdles during the COVID-19 pandemic peak, he moved to Hawai'i and the rest is history! He currently works in renewable energy regulation, helping Australia transition to net zero. Leaving his city and corporate life behind, Sam enjoys a slow-paced life filled with outdoor adventures!